1.1 (Fall, 1972)
- Harvey L. Sharrer. Romancero Projects of
the Cátedra-Seminario Menéndez Pidal, 8-11.
- Thomas Montgomery. Report on Articles Awaiting
Publication in Medieval Spanish Literature, 11-12.
- John Lihani. Dissertations in Medieval Hispanic
Studies, 1971, 12-13.
- John Lihani. Personalia, 13.
- John Lihani. Editorial Note, 14-15.
Conference Reports
- Modern Language Association Convention 1972. New
York, NY [?]. December, 1972. Abstracts. 1-2
- Arcipreste de Hita, First International Congress.
Madrid. June 21-23, 1972. Report. 2-7
- Arthurian Congress 1972, Tenth International. Nantes.
August 16-22, 1972. (Report. by Harvey L. Sharrer). 7-8