H. A. Kelly. Archpriests, Apostles, and
Episcopal Epistles, 1-5.
Carol A. Copenhagen. Narratio and
Petitio in Fifteenth-Century Spanish Letters, 6-14.
Thomas M. Capuano. The Seasonal Laborer:
Audience and Actor in the Works of Gonzalo de Berceo, 15-22.
John Gornall. Plus ça change...:
Rodrigos Mocedades and the Earlier Legend, 23-35.
Ivy A. Corfis. Tractado de amores de Arnalte
y Lucenda: MS 940 of the Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan, 36-39.
Consuelo López Morillas. Was the
Muwashshah Really Accompanied by the Organ? 40-54.
Samuel G. Armistead. Pet Theories and Paper
Tigers: Trouble With the Kharjas, 55-70.
Barry Taylor. Old Spanish Wisdom Texts: Some
Relationships, 71-85.
D. G. Pattison. Word Formation in the Poema
de mio Cid, 86-88.
David J. Billick and Steven N. Dworkin. An
Annotated Bibliography of Glossaries, Vocabularies, Word Lists, and
Concordances Based on or Appended to Editions of Medieval Spanish Texts: Part
III, 131-65.
Constance L. Wilkins and Heanon M. Wilkins.
Recent Publications, Presentations, and Research in Progress,
Colin Smith. Letter to Editors. 171-72.
José Ángel Sesma Muñoz and
Ángeles Líbano Zumalacárregui. Léxico del
comercio medieval en Aragón (siglo XV). Zaragoza: Institución
Fernando el Católico, 1982. Reviewed by John Dagenais.
Samuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman. En
torno al romancero sefardí (Hispanismo y balcanismo de la
tradición judeo-española. Madrid: CSMP, 1982. Reviewed by
Rita Benmayor. 118-21.
Libro del Caballero Zifar. Cristina
González, ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1983. Reviewed by Marina Scordilis
Brownlee. 122-24.
Cristina González. El cavallero
Zifar y el reino lejano. Madrid: Gredos, 1984. Reviewed by Marina
Scordilis Brownlee. 125-27.
Marta Ana Diz. Patronio y Lucanor: La lectura
inteligente en el tiempo que es turbio. Prólogo de John
E. Keller. Potomac, Maryland: Scripta Humanistica, 1984. Reviewed by Harlan
Sturm. 128-130.
Alfonso X, El Sabio. Programa
audiovisual del libro y fotografías de Diodoro Urquía Latorre.
Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, 1984. Reviewed by Roger Tinnell.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1985. Chicago,
IL. December, 1985. Abstracts. 89-93.
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1985. Leeds. March 27-30, 1985. Abstracts. (Lynn Ingamells)
Medieval Academy of America 1985: Where Medieval
Worlds Meet. Bloomington, IN. April 11-13, 1985. Titles. (John S. Miletich)
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference 1985. Lexington,
KY. April 25-27, 1985. Titles. (Kathleen Kulp-Hill) 103.
Kalamazoo: 1985 International Congress on Medieval
Studies. Kalamazoo, May 9-12, 1985. Abstracts, Titles (George D. Greenia and
John Dagenais) 104-07.
International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and
Renaissance Studies 1985. Villanova University, PA. September 20-22, 1985.
Report. (Harriet Goldberg) 108-09.
Southeastern Medieval Association 1985. Chattanooga,
TN. October 10-12, 1985. Titles. (Kathleen Kulp-Hill) 112-13.