Salvador Martínez. Alfonso VI: Hero in
Search of a Poet, 1-16.
B. Bussell Thompson, and John K. Walsh. Old
Spanish Manuscripts of Prose Lives of the Saints and Their Affiliations. I.
Compilation A (the Gran flos sanctorum), 17-28.
Carlos Alberto Vega. The Early Texts of the St.
Amaro Legend, 29-37.
John Dagenais. Avrás dueña
garrida. Language in the Margins of the Libro de Buen Amor,
Anthony P. Espósito. Comed,
comde: Lexical Patterning as Thematic Reinforcement in the Poema de Mio
Cid, 46-51.
Samuel G. Armistead. Encore les
cantilènes!: Prof. Roger Wrights Proto-Romances,
Patricia E. Grieve. Flores y Blancaflor:
Hispanic Transformations of a Romance Theme, 67-71.
Arthur L.-F. Askins. A New Manuscript of the
Libro de Buen amor? 72-76.
Robert L. Redfield. La resurrección y la
ascensión de Jesucristo en el Poema de Mio Cid, 77-81.
Peter Lineham. The Archpriest of Hita and Canon
Law, 120-26.
Louise O. Vasvari. Erotic Polysemy in the
Libro de Buen Amor: à propos Monique de Lopes Traditions
Populaires et Textualité, 127-34.
Oliver T. Myers. [1986] Bibliography of
Medieval Spanish Literature, 151-69.
John London (pseudonym?). Letter to the Editor and
El poema de mio Pid(al), 170-71.
John Esten Keller and Richard P. Kinkade.
Iconography in Medieval Spanish Literature. Lexington, Kentucky: Univ.
of Kentucky Press, 1984. Reviewed by Joseph T. Snow. 135-39.
Steven N. Dworkin. Etymology and Derivational
Morphology: The Genesis of Old Spanish Denominal Adjectives in -ido.
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie: Beiheft 206. Tübingen:
Max Niemeyer, 1985. Reviewed by Thomas Montgomery. 140-43.
Manuel Alvar. Estudios léxicos.
Primera serie. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1984.
Reviewed by Steven N. Dworkin. 144-46.
Henry Ansgar Kelly. Canon Law and the Archpriest
of Hita. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 97. Binghamton: Center
for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies / SUNY-Binghamton, 1984. Reviewed by
Steven D. Kirby. 147-50.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1986. New
York, NY. December, 1986. Abstracts, Titles. 82-92.
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1986. Edinburgh. March 24-27, 1986. Abstracts, Report. (Lynn Ingamells)
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference 1986. Lexington,
KY. April 24-26, 1986. Titles. (Kathleen Kulp-Hill) 105-06.
Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and
Literatures. Cincinnati, OH. May 14-16, 1986. Titles. (Kathleen Kulp-Hill)
International Courtly Literature Society 1986, Fifth
Triennial Congress. Dalfsen, Holland. August 9-16, 1986. Report. Report.
(Joseph T. Snow) 108-116.
International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and
Renaissance Studies 1986. Villanova University, PA. October 10-12, 1986.
Report. (Harriet Goldberg) 117-19.