Thomas Montgomery. The Uses of Writing in the
Spanish Epic, 179-185.
John S. Miletich. Folk Literature, Related
Forms, and the Making of the Poema de Mio Cid, 186-96.
Alan Deyermond. British Contributions to the
Study of the Medieval Spanish Epic, 197-212.
Gustavo San Román. Sentence- and
Word-Length as Indicators of Register in Arcipreste de Talavera, Parts I
and II: An Exercise in Quantitative Stylistics, 213-224.
Fernando Gómez Redondo. Fórmulas
juglarescas en la historiografía romance de los siglos XIII y XIV,
Samuel G. Armistead. Trabajos actuales sobre el
Romancero, 240-46.
Robert B. Tate. El Conde Lucanor,
James T. Monroe. A Sounding Brass and Tinkling
Cymbal: al-Halil in Andalus (Two Notes on the Muwassaha),
Maryjane Dunn-Wood. Guillaume de Deguilevilles
El pelegrinage de la vida humana: New Interest in a Forgotten
Work, 259-263.
Gregory Peter Andrachuck. Berceo and the
Clérigo simple, 264-67.
Harvey L. Sharrer. Notas sobre la materia
artúrica hispánica, 1979-86, 328-340.
Harold G. Jones. Book Review
Bibliography, 341-44.
Constance L. Wilkins and Heanon M. Wilkins.
Recent Publications, Presentations, and Research in Progress,
Constance L. Wilkins and Heanon M. Wilkins.
Editors Note, 350.
Alan Deyermond and Joseph T. Snow. Edmund de
Chasca 1903-87: Two Memoirs: Part 1. A Transatlantic View (Alan Deyermond);
Part 2. Iowa Days (Joseph T. Snow), 351-59.
Silvio Pellegrini and Giovanna Marroni. Nuovo
repertorio bibliografico della prima lirica galego-portoghese (1814-1977).
LAquila: Japadre, 1981. Reviewed by David J. Viera. 287-92.
Fernando de Rojas. Celestina: tragicomedia de
Calisto y Melibea. Ed. Miguel Marciales. Illinois Medieval Monographs, 1. 2
vols. Urbana and Chicago: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1985. Reviewed by Adrienne
Schizzano Mandel. 302-07.
Joseph T. Snow. Celestina by Fernando de Rojas: An
Annotated Bibliography of World Interest, 1930-85. Madison: Hispanic
Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1985. Reviewed by Erna Berndt Kelley.
John S. Miletich, ed. Hispanic Studies in Honor of
Alan D. Deyermond: A North American Tribute. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of
Medieval Studies, 1986. Reviewed by John E. Keller. 311-14.
Pero López de Ayala. Coronica del rey don
Pedro. Ed. Constance L. Wilkins, and Heanon M. Wilkins. Madison: Hispanic
Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1985. Reviewed by Michel Garcia. 315-17.
Francisco Javier de Santiago y Palomares. Selected
Writings, 1776-95. Study and Edition by Dennis P. Seniff. Exeter Hispanic
Monographs, 38. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1984. Reviewed by Thomas D.
Spaccarelli. 318-19.
Haim Beinart. Conversos on Trial: The Inquisition
in Ciudad Real. Hispania Judaica, 3. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press. The
Hebrew University, 1981. And Records of the Trials of the Spanish
Inquisition in Ciudad Real. Vols. I-Iv. Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of
Sciences and Humanities, 1974-85. Reviewed by Jack Weiner. 320-21.
Haim Beinart. Trujillo: A Jewish Community in
Extremadura on the Eve of the Expulsion from Spain. Hispania Judaica, 2.
Jerusalem: The Magnes Press. The Hebrew University, 1980. Reviewed by Jack
Weiner. 322-23.
Santob de Carrión. Proverbios morales.
Ed. Theodore Perry. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1986.
Reviewed by Harriet Goldberg. 324-27.
Conference reports
Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas 1986:
Noveno Congreso. Berlin, Germany. August 18-23, 1986. Abstracts, Report.
(Samuel G. Armistead and Harvey L. Sharrer) 268-83.
Louisiana 1987 Conference on Hispanic Languages and
Literatures. (La Chispa). New Orleans, LA. February 26-28, 1987.
(Maryjane Dunn-Wood and John R. Maier) 284-86.