Monroe, James T. Wanton Poets and Would-be
Paleographers (Prolegomena to Ibn Quzmans Zajal No. 10),
Armistead, Samuel G. Schoolmen or Minstrels?:
Rhetorical Questions in Epic and Balladry, 43-54.
Biglieri, Aníbal A. Descripción
de Sevilla en la Estoria de España, 67-80.
Kelley, Mary Jane. The Trojan War in the
Libro de Alexandre: Reported or Transposed Speech? 81-87.
Ayerbe-Chaux, Reinaldo. Manuscritos y
documentos de Don Juan Manuel, 88-93.
Sconza, M. Jean. A Reevaluation of the Siete
Edades del Mundo, 94-112.
Spinelli, Emily. The Negative Lexicon in the
Fifteenth-Century Spanish Sentimental Romance, 113-25.
Archer, Robert. Poema de Mio Cid, lines
1838-40, 126-31.
Cherchi, Pablo. El Retrato de don Amor,
Gornall, John. Dreaming in traditional lyric:
pino or vino? 138-44.
Hess, Steven. Letter to the Editor and El poema
de mio Pid(al) [continuation], 179-80.
Paula Olinger. Images of Transformation in
Traditional Hispanic Poetry. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 1985.
Reviewed by Charles F. Fraker. 145-48.
Louise Mirrer-Singer. The Language of Evaluation.
A Sociolinguistic Approach to the Story of Pedro el Cruel in Ballad and
Chronicle. Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages, 20.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1986. Reviewed by Alexandra Graves.
Michèle S. de Cruz-Sáenz. Romancero
tradicional de Costa Rica. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 1986.
Reviewed by Suzanne H. Petersen. 151-53.
Triste deleytaçión. Ed. Regula
Rohland de Langbehn. Reviewed by Gregory Peter Andrachuck. 153-55.
Historia de la linda Melosina. Ivy A. Corfis,
ed. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1986. Reviewed by Paula
Rodgers. 156-61.
López Estrada, Francisco, ed. Poesía
medieval castellana: antología y comentario, and Las
Poéticas castellanas de la edad media. Volumes 153 and 158,
Colección Temas de España. Madrid: Taurus, 1984.
Reviewed by Michèle S. de Cruz-Sáenz. 162-64.
Íñigo López de Mendoza,
Marqués de Santillana. Los Sonetos Al Itálico
Modo. Edición crítica, introducción y notas de
Maxim P. A. M. Kerkhof y Dirk Tuin. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval
Studies, 1985. Reviewed by E. Michael Gerli. 164-66.
Jacobo de Junta, el de las Leyes, Oeuvres. I Summa
de los nueve tiempos de los pleitos. Jean Roudil, ed. Paris: Annexes des
Cahiers de linguistique hispanique médiévale, volume 4 (En vente
chez Klincksieck), 1986. Reviewed by Michel Garcia. 166-68.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1987. New
York, NY. December, 1987. Abstracts, Titles. 169-79.
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1987. Birmingham. March 27-30, 1987. Abstracts, Report. (David
Mackenzie) 182-91.