Germán Orduna. El Libro de Buen
Amor y el libro del Arcipreste, 1-7.
Yakov Malkiel. The Discovery of Lexical
Channels of Transmission: From Latin to Romance, with Special Consideration of
Old Spanish, 8-13.
María Eugenia Lacarra. Notes on Feminist
Analysis of Medieval Spanish Literature and History, 14-22.
Teresa Catarella. A New Branch of the Hispanic
romancero, 23-31.
María Rosa Menocal. Bottom of the Ninth:
Bases Loaded, 32-40.
Paula Kelley Rodgers. José Pellicer and
the Confusion over the Authorship of the Cuatro Crónicas,
María Morrás.
¿Zéjeles o formas zejelescas? Observaciones para el estudio
de un problema de historia literaria, 52-75.
J. M. Zemke. A Neglected Fragment of Shem
Tovs Proverbios morales, 76-89.
Harold G. Jones Book Review Bibliography )
1987, 94-101.
Cristina González. Bibliografía
de la Gran Conquista de Ultramar, 102-08.
Dennis, P. Seniff. Antonio García
Solalinde (1892-1937): A Commemorative Bibliography, 109-15.
Amadís de Gaula. Introducción y
versión de Ángel Rosenblat. Adiciones a la Introducción de
Á. Rosenblat por Alicia Redondo Goicoechea. Odres Nuevos.
Madrid: Castalia, 1987. Reviewed by James. F. Burke. 90.
Israel J. Katz and John E. Keller, eds. Studies on
the Cantigas de Santa Maria: Art, Music and Poetry. Proceedings of
the International Symposium on the Cantigas de Santa Maria of
Alfonso X, el Sabio (1221-1284) in Commemoration of its 700th Anniversary Year
) 1981 (New York, November 19-21). Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval
Studies, 1987. Reviewed by Stephen Parkinson. 91-93.
Conference reports
First International Colloquium on the kharjas.
Exeter, England. January 6-9, 1988. Abstracts, Report. (L.P. Harvey)
Modern Language Association Convention 1988. New
Orleans, LA. December, 1988. Abstracts. (Samuel G. Armistead, et al.)