Alan Deyermond. John K. Walsh, medievalist,
born New York 10 August 1939..., 1-3.
Charles Fraker. The Beginning of the Cantar
de Sancho, 5-21.
Samuel G. Armistead. and Joseph H. Silverman. A
Judeo-Spanish Prayer, 22-31.
Steven N. Dworkin. The Role of Near-Homonymy in
Lexical Loss: The Demise of OSp. laido ugly,
repugnant, 32-48.
Thomas Montgomery. Marking Voices and Places in
the Poema del Cid, 49-66.
José Luis Suárez García.
Hacia una bibliografía del Poema de Mio Cid,
John S. Miletich. Early Medieval Iberian Lyric
and Archaic Croatian Folk Song, 83-95.
Dayle Seidenspinner-Núñez.
Readers, Response, and Repertoires: Rezeptionstheorie and the
Archpriests Text, 96-111.
Harvey L. Sharrer. Briolanja as a Name in Early
Fifteenth-century Portugal: Echo of a Reworked Portuguese Amadís de
Gaula? 112-18.
Jesús Gómez. La aportación
española al estudio de la ficción sentimental, 1980-89:
tendencias y posibilidades, 119-36.
Marilyn Stone. MS 88, Library of the Dominican
Convent of Valencia (third and fourth Partidas): Some New Hints about
its History, 137-40.
Cancionero séphardi du Québec.
Vol. I. Ed. Oro Anahory Librowicz. Montréal: Fonds FCAR, Collège
du Vieux Montréal, 1988. Reviewed by Manuel da Costa Fontes.
Anuario Medieval, I (1989). New York: St.
Johns University, Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages and Classical
Studies. Reviewed by Reinaldo Ayerbe-Chaux. 145-47.
Juan Manuel. Cinco tratados (Libro del cavallero
et del escudero, Libro de las tres razones, Libro enfenido, Tractado de la
Asunçion de la Virgen, Libro de la caça). Edición,
introducción y notas de Reinaldo Ayerbe-Chaux. Spanish series, no. 51.
Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1989. Reviewed by Barry Taylor.
Luis Cervera Vera. Francisco de Eximenis y su
sociedad urbana ideal. Madrid: Swan, 1989. Reviewed by David J. Viera.
Literatura y fantasía en la Edad Media.
Edición de Juan Paredes Núñez. Granada: Universidad de
Granada, 1989. Reviewed by George D. Greenia. 163-67.
David J. Viera with Jordi Piqué. La dona en
Francesc Eiximenis. Biblioteca de Cultura Catalana, 66. Barcelona: Curial,
1987. Reviewed by Donna M. Rogers. 168-71.
Hispanic Balladry Today. Ed. Ruth H. Webber.
The Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition, 3 and Garland Reference
Library of the Humanities, 765. New York & London: Garland, 1989. Reviewed
by Harriet Goldberg. 172-79.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1990. Chicago,
IL. December, 1990. Abstracts, Titles. 180-92.
Jornadas Hispánicas de la Sociedad Suiza de
Estudios Hispánicos. Zürich. November 24-25, 1989. Abstracts,
Report. (Alan D. Deyermond: see 19.2 (1991): xiv) 193-98.
Terceras Jornadas de Literatura Medieval
Española. Buenos Aires [Universidad Católica de Argentina].
August 23-25, 1990. Report, Titles. (Joseph Snow) 199-203.