John Dagenais, Calame e conocerme as: On
the name of Don Melón, 1-14.
D. G. Pattison, British Library Ms. Egerton
289: A Glimpse of the Cronica Manuelina, 15-30.
Theodore L. Kassier, Reexamining the
Archipriests Imprisonment, 31-58.
Jane Whetnall, Isabel González of the
Cancionero de Baena and Other Lost Voices, 59-82.
P.D.A. Harvey, Medieval Maps. Toronto and
Buffalo: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1991. Reviewed by Barry Taylor. 83-87.
Alan Forey, The Military Orders: From the Twelfth
to the Early Fourteenth Centuries. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1992.
Reviewed by Bernard F. Reilly. 87-89.
El Cancionero de
Oñate-Castañeda. Edición de Dorothy Sherman Severin.
Introducción de Michel Garcia. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval
Studies, 1990. Reviewed by Elaine S. Brooks. 89-93.
Colin Smith, Christians and Moors in Spain, Vol.
II: 1195-1614. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1989. Reviewed by Lourdes
María Alvárez. 94-96.
Charles F. Fraker, Celestina: Genre and
Rhetoric. London: Tamesis, 1990. Reviewed by Jerry R. Rank. 96-101.