Andrew M. Beresford, The Disputa del cuerpo
e del alma and the Visión de Filiberto: A Reappraisal of
Elaine Brooks, Memory of An Alien Voice in the
Cancionero de Baena,
Steven N. Dworkin, The Genesis of Old Spanish
duecho: An Unrecognized Provençalism,
Enzo Franchini, El fragmento épico de
Roncesvalles: estado de la cuestión y nuevas observaciones,
Harriet Goldberg, Queen of Almost All She
Surveys: The Sexual Dynamics of Female Sovereignty,
José Manuel Pedrosa, Una
colección de romances rarísimos recogidos en Villasumil de
Ancares (León),
Rafael Ramos, Tirant lo Blanc,
Lancelot du Lac y el Llibre de l'Ordre de
Thomas F. Sharp, 'Rosas y claveles': una
metáfora perdurable y sus antecedentes en un ciclo asturiano,
Juan A. Estévez Sola, La fecha de la
Chronica Naierensis,
Information Technology and Hispanic Studies
Charles B. Faulhaber, An Update on ADMYTE for
OmniPage and WordCruncher: Tools
for Creating and Searching Digitalized Text Corpora. Software reviewed by
Mark Davies.
Spain - A Story of Nations. Software reviewed
by Mark D. Johnston.
Grammatik for WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows,
Spanish language version. Software reviewed by Daniel Eisenberg.
Armistead, Samuel G. and Joseph H. Silverman.
Judeo-Spanish Ballads from Oral Tradition. II. Carolingian Ballads (1):Roncesvalles. Berkeley: U of California Press, 1994. Reviewed by Manuel
da Costa Fontes.
Hook, David. The Earliest Arthurian Names in Spain
and Portugal. St. Albans, UK: David Hook, 1991.
Walsh, John K. Relic and Literature: Saint
Toribius of Astorga and his arca sancta. Eds. Alan Deyermond and Billy
Bussell Thompson. St. Albans, UK: David Hook, 1992. Reviewed by Connie L.
Ladero Quesada, Miguel Angel. Fiscalidad y poder
real en Castilla (1252-1369). Madrid: Editorial Complutense, 1993. Reviewed
by Francisco J. Hernández.
Llull, Ramon. Doctor Illuminatus. A Ramon Llull
Reader. Ed. Anthony Bonner. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.
Reviewed by David J. Viera.
O'Callaghan, Joseph F. The Learned King. The Reign
of Alfonso X of Castile. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1993.
Reviewed by Robert A. MacDonald.
Upon My Husband's Death. Widows in the Literature
and History of Medieval Europe. Ed. Louise Mirrer. Ann Arbor, MI: Univ. of
Michigan Press, 1992. Reviewed by Michael Harney.
Whinnom, Keith. Medieval and Renaissance Spanish
Literature. Selected Essays. Eds. Alan Deyermond, W.F. Hunter, & Joseph
T. Snow. Exeter: University of Exeter Press with the Journal of Hispanic
Philology, 1994. Reviewed by Ivy A. Corfis.