Francisco A. Marcos Marín, Guest Editor,
Joan Coromines: para un Homenaje, 5-7.
Donna M. Rogers, Joan Coromines i Vigneaux,
1905-1997: A Bibliography, 9-24.
Gloria Clavería, Carlos Sánchez y Joan
Torruella, La conversión del DCECH a un sistema
hipertextual, 25-44.
Antonio Cortijo Ocaña, Commercial
Rivalry Between Barcelona and Valencia in the Fourteenth Century: Privileges
and Franchises, 45-52.
Steven N. Dworkin, Semantic Changes and Lexical
Loss: The Case of OSp. luengo long, 53-65.
Joseph Gulsoy, Castellano viejo,
portugués velho, catalán vell: el tratamiento de E+ C'L / T'L, e
historia de VETUS, -ETERIS, 67-86.
Francisco A. Marcos Marín,
Etimologías engañosas y sus consecuencias: los numerales y
el Libro de Alexandre, 87-103.
José Luis Moure, El galicismo
develar y una emienda conjetural a un poema de Jorge Luis Borges,
René Pellen, Etimología e
historia: el Diccionario Histórico que nos falta, 123-40.
Joel Rini, On the Etymology of Spanish
mismo, 141-56.
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, Bases de
conocimiento lingüístico y análisis automático del
discurso, 157-64.
Thomas M. Stephens, Anglicisms in Spanish
American Ethnonymy: Identity and Lexical Renegotiation, 165-77.
Thomas J. Walsh, The Etymology of
Bostezar, 179-81.
William D. Paden, The Chronology of Genres in
Medieval Galician-Portuguese Lyric Poetry, 183-201.
Stephen B. Raulston, Poetic Craft and Dramatic
Tension: The Climax of the Poema de mio Cid, 203-23.
Julian Weiss, On the Conventionality of the
Cantigas d'amor, 225-45.
Zaderenko, Irene, Acerca de la fecha de
composición del *Cantar de los siete infantes de Lara,
Steven N. Dworkin, Lexical Studies of Medieval
Spanish Texts: A Bibliographic Supplement, 257-96.
Information Technology and Hispanic Studies
Mark D. Johnston, Intellectual Property Rights
and Educational Fair Use on the Internet, 297-306.
Alfonso el X el Sabio. Astromagia. Reviewed by
Francisco Márquez Villanueva. 307-308.
Roberto J. González-Casanovas. The
Apostolic Hero and Community in Ramon Llull's Blanquerna: A Literary Study of a
Medieval Utopia with a critical bibliography. Reviewed by Mark D. Johnston.
Linehan, Peter. History and the Historians of
Medieval Spain. Reviewed by Mark D. Meyerson. 310-13.
El Mio Cid del taller alfonsí:
versión en prosa en la Primera crónica general y en
la Crónica de veinte reyes. Ed. Nancy Joe Dyer. Reviewed
by Matthew Bailey. 314-17.
Louise Mirrer. Women, Jews, and Muslims in the
Texts of Reconquest Castile. Reviewed by Barbara F. Weissberger.
Antoni Rossell. El Cantar de Mio Çid
[CD]. Reviewed by Juan Miguel Valero Moreno. 319-21.
Connie L. Scarborough. Women in Thirteenth-Century
Spain as Portrayed in Alfonso X's Cantigas de Santa María. Reviewed
by Laura R. Bass. 321-24.
Conference Reports
Third Annual Berkeley Conference on Arabic
Literature. University of California-Berkeley, April 25-26, 1997. Report by
Samuel G. Armistead. 325-29.
Tenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies.
Queen Mary and Westfield College, Dept. of Hispanic Studies, June 29-July 4,
1997. Report by Samuel G. Armistead. 330-36.
Seminario del Centro para la Edición de los
Clásicos Españoles: Alfonso el Sabio y las Crónicas de
España. Soria, 7 al 11 de julio, 1997. Report by Samuel G. Armistead.