Vincent Barletta, Context and Manuscript
Discourse in Late Medieval Castile, 3-35.
Jonathan Burgoyne, Ideology in Action: the
Consequences of Paradox in El Conde Lucanor, Part I, 37-65.
Federico Corriente, Propuestas de correcciones
a la interpretación de las xarajat A2, 4, 7 y
A27, 67-86.
Emily Francomano, ¿Qué
dizes de las mujeres?: La historia de la doncella Teodor and the
Conclusion to the Bocados de oro, 87-110.
E. Michael Gerli, Inventing the Spanish Middle
Ages: Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Spanish Cultural History, and
Ideology in Philology, 111-26.
John Gornall, Velos negros and
Blancas vs. Morenas: a Motif Subverted?, 127-31.
Rogelio Miñana, Auctor omnisciente,
auctor testigo: el marco narrativo en Cárcel de amor,
Juan Paredes, [Ou] cabou danha / ca
bode danha. Dos interpretaciones para una lectura de la cantiga
B 481, V 61 de Alfonso X, 149-58.
Kenneth J. Wireback, A Gradual Approach to
Sibilant + /j/ Metathesis in Hispano-Romance, 159-203.
Information Technology and Hispanic Studies
Mark Johnston, Digital Imaging Standards for
Research and Teaching, 205-13.
Return to Queer Iberia, Guest
Editors Sidney Donnell and Gregory S. Hutcheson.
Sidney Donnell, Back to the Future of Medieval
and Early Modern Iberian Studies, 217-22.
Gregory S. Hutcheson, What Queer Iberians Have
To Say...., 223-27.
Mary Gossy, Uncannily Queer Iberia: The Past
and Present of Imperial Panic, 228-30.
Harry Vélez Quiñones, Response to
Sex and Social Control, 231-35.
Daniel Eisenberg, ¿Cuán
queer fue Iberia?, 236-38.
Leora Lev, Refractions of Queer Iberia:
Post-Francoist Peninsular Camp, 239-43.
Jean Dangler, Response to Using Literary
Texts in a History of Sexuality, 244-47.
Josiah Blackmore, Dissidences,
Israel Burshatin, Hispanism, Queer History, and
Community, 252-59.
Works Cited in Return to Queer Iberia,
Review Article
Israel J. Katz, A New Introduction to the
Music and Poetry of the Cantigas de Santa Maria, 267-78.
Jean Dangler, Mediating Fictions: Literature,
Women Healers, and the Go-Between in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia.
Reviewed by Barbara Weissberger. 279-82.
Martin J. Duffell, Modern Metrical Theory and the
Verso de Arte Mayor. Reviewed by Ana M. Gómez-Bravo.
John Edwards. The Spain of the Catholic Monarchs,
1474-1520. Reviewed by E. Michael Gerli. 286-87.
Manuel da Costa Fontes. Folklore and
Literature. Studies in the Portuguese, Brazilian, Sephardic, nd
Hispanic Oral Tradition. Reviewed by +Harriet Goldberg. 288-92.
Sol Miguel Prendes,. El espejo y el
piélago. La Eneida castellana de Enrique de Villena.
Reviewed by Derek Carr. 293-306.
Joseph F. OCallaghan. Alfonso X and the
Cantigas de Santa Maria. A Poetic Biography. Reviewed by Joseph T. Snow.
David Wolfe. Spanish Gender and the Brain.
Reviewed by Cristina Sanz. 310-12.
Hugo O. Bizzarri, Ed. Vida de Segundo;
Versión castellana de la Vita Secundi de Vicente de Beauvais.
Reviewed by Emily Francomano. 313-16.