Pablo Ancos, Mahoma, ¿Vn profeta
muy honrrado o un traedor prouado? (Libro de
Alexandre, v. 2510d), 5
Heather Bamford, Fragment as Phenomenon and
Philological Subject: Two Cases of Chivalric Binding Fragments, 29
J. Antonio Cid, Caza y castigo de don
Jorge frente a Lanzarote y el ciervo de pie blanco: El
fragmentismo y los romances-cuento, 61
Rip Cohen, The Poetics of Peace: Erotic
Reconciliation in the Cantigas damigo, 95
Vicente Lledó-Guillem, Bernat
Desclots Response to Bernat dAuriacs sirventés:
The Battle of Castellammare and the Rise of Catalan as a Royal Language,
Wendell P. Smith, From Round Table to Revolt:
Amadís de Gaula and the comuneros, 163
Alan Deyermond , Romances,
Elinson, Alexander E. Looking Back at al-Andalus:
The Poetics of Loss and Nostalgia in Medieval Arabic and Hebrew Literature.
Reviewed by Michelle Hamilton, 205
The Song of the Cid: A Dual-Language Edition with
Parallel Text. Trans. Burton Raffel. Intro. and notes María Rosa
Menocal. Reviewed by Gregory B. Kaplan, 208
Ross, Jill. Figuring the Feminine: The Rhetoric
of Female Embodiment in Medieval Hispanic Literature. Reviewed by
Núria Silleras-Fernández, 212
Serrano Coll, Marta. Jaime I el Conquistador:
Imágenes medievales de un reinado. Reviewed by Alexander Ibarz ,
Grieve, Patricia E. The Eve of Spain: Myths of
Origins in the History of Christian, Muslim and Jewish Conflict. Reviewed
by Jonathan Burgoyne, 220
Francomano, Emily C. Wisdom and Her Lovers in
Medieval and Early Modern Hispanic Literature. Reviewed by Yonsoo Kim,
Cantar de Mio Cid. Ed. Juan Carlos Bayo e Ian
Michael. Reviewed by Gregory B. Kaplan, 228
Folger, Robert. Escape from the Prison of Love:
Caloric Identities and Writing Subjects in Fifteenth-Century Spain.
Reviewed by Ana Montero, 231
Pedro de Padilla. Thesoro de Varias
Poesías. Pról. de Aurelio Valladares. Ed. de José J.
Labrador Herraiz y Ralph A. DiFranco. Reviewed by Manuel Moreno García
del Pulgar, 235
Kaplan, Gregory. El culto a San Millán en
Valderredible Cantabria: Las Iglesias rupestres y la formación del
Camino de Santiago. Reviewed by Mary Baldridge, 247
Ashley, Kathleen, and Marilyn Deegan. Being a
Pilgrim: Art and Ritual on the Medieval Routes to Santiago. Reviewed by
George Greenia, 250