António Resende de Oliveira, A
producão trovadoresca de Afonso X: 2. Entre trovadores e jograis
galego-portugueses, 5-27
Stacey Triplette, From Guinevere to Isabel:
Rodríguez de Montalvos Transformations of Oriana in
Amadís de Gaula, 29-55
Denise K. Filios, Playing the Goth Card in
Tenth-Century Córdoba: Ibn al- Qūțīyas Family
Traditions, 57-84
Christina E. Ivers, "Risky Collaboration in
Fifteenth-Century Printing and Cárcel de Amor", 85-109
Martínez de Toledo, Alonso. The Archpriest
of Talavera: Dealing with the Vices of Wicked Women and the Complexions of
Men. Reviewed by Steven D. Kirby, 111
Twomey, Lesley K. The Fabric of Marian Devotion in
Isabel de Villenas Vita Christi by. Reviewed by Jessica A. Boon, 119
Halperin, Dalia-Ruth. Illuminating Micrography:
The Catalan Micrography Mahzor MS Heb 8°6527 in the National Library of
Israel. Reviewed by Jeffrey Hoffman, 123
Núñez Méndez, Eva. Fundamentos
teóricos y prácticos de historia de la lengua española.
Reviewed by Elizabeth M. Willingham, 126
Mérida Jiménez, Rafael M.
Transmisión y difusión de la literatura caballeresca. Doce
estudios de recepción cultural hispánica (siglos XIII-XVII).
Reviewed by Lucila Lobato Osorio, 131
Nussbaum, María Fernanda. Claves del
entorno ideológico del Poema de Alfonso XI . Reviewed by
Antonio Contreras Martín, 135
Boon, Jessica A. The Mystical Science of the Soul:
Medieval Cognition in Bernardino de Laredos Recollection Method.
Reviewed by Laura Delbrugge, 137
Martos, Josep Lluís, ed. La poesía
en la imprenta antigua ed. by . Reviewed by David Arbesú, 143