Daniel E. Gulstad. Melibeas Demise: The
Death of Courtly Love, 71-80.
Harriet Goldberg. The Several Faces of Ugliness
in Medieval Castilian Literature, 80-92.
Anthony N. Zahareas. Structure and Ideology in
the Libro de buen amor, 92-104.
Samuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman.
The Judeo-Spanish Romancero in Israel, 105-06.
Edna Aizenberg. Cuchillo muy
delgado: Was Don Carnal a Jewish Ritual Slaughterer?
José Luis Coy. Envió
Moisés una carta a la Trinidad? (Rimado, MS. E, 866ab),
Robert A. MacDonald. The Editing of the
Alfonsine Juridical Texts: Addendum, 119-20.
Eric W. Naylor, G.B. Gybbon-Monypenny and Alan D.
Deyermond. Bibliography of the Libro de buen amor Since
1973, 123-35.
Harold G. Jones. Book Review
Bibliography, 141-44.
Oliver T. Myers. [1979] Bibliography of
Medieval Spanish Literature.
John Esten Keller. Pious Brief Narrative in
Medieval Castilian and Galician Verse (From Berceo to Alfonso X).
Lexington, KY: Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1978. Reviewed by Roger D. Tinnell.
Juan Ruiz, The Archpriest of Hita. The Book of
True Good. Ed. Anthony N. Zahareas, trans. Saralyn R. Daly. Univ. Park:
Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1978. Reviewed by Steven D. Kirby. 146-47.
Conference reports
American Historical Association 1978: Macrocommunity
and Microcommunity in Medieval Catalonia. San Francisco, CA. December 28-30,
1978. Report. (Robert I. Burns) 120-22.