Colbert I. Nepaulsingh. Juan Ruiz, Boccaccio,
and the Antifeminist Tradition, 13-18.
Julián L. Bueno. ¿Serían
monjas las dueñas de Juan Ruiz? 19-24.
J. F. G. Gornall. En Ávila, mis
ojos: A Symbolic Murder? 25-29.
Samuel G. Armistead, Diego Catalán, Manuel da
Costa Fontes, Rosalía Guzofsky and Candance Slater. Hispanic
Ballad Field Work During the Summer of 1980, 29-36.
David J. Billick. Alfonsine Theses:
Addenda, 55-56.
Anthony J. Farrell. Version H of The
Seven Sages: A Descriptive Bibliography, 56-66.
Diego Catalán, Samuel G. Armistead, J. A. Cid
and A. Valenciano. Seminario de verano sobre el romancero (Segovia,
junio-julio 1980), 80-81.
Russell V. Brown. Personalia, 85-87.
María Eugenia Lacarra. El Poema de
Mio Cid: realidad histórica e ideología. Madrid:
Porrúa, 1980. Reviewed by Magdalena Mora. 67-72.
Cancionero de la Catedral de Segovia: textos
poéticos castellanos. Edited by Joaquín González
Cuenca. Ciudad Real: Museo de Ciudad Real, 1980. Reviewed by Alan Deyermond.
Edith Randam Rogers. The Perilous Hunt: Symbols in
Hispanic and European Balladry. Lexington: Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1980.
Reviewed by Kathleen Kish. 76-79.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1980. Houston,
TX. December, 1980. Abstracts, Titles. 3-12.
Kalamazoo: 1980 International Congress on Medieval
Studies. Kalamazoo, MI. May 1-4, 1980. Report, Titles. (Dennis Paul Seniff)
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1980(bis). Nottingham. March, 1980. (Lynn Ingamells) 40-44.
British Historians of Medieval Spain 1980. Liverpool.
September 27-28, 1980. Report. (Derek W. Lomax) 44.