FORUM: Return to Queer Iberia La
corónica 30.1 (Fall 2001)
Back to the Future of
Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies Sidney Donnell,
Lafayette College
What Queer Iberians
Have to Say
Gregory S. Hutcheson, University of
Uncannily Queer Iberia:
the Past and Present of Imperial Panic Mary Gossy, Rutgers
Response to Sex
and Social Control Harry Vélez Quiñones,
University of Puget Sound
queer fue Iberia? Daniel Eisenberg, Excelsior
Refractions of Queer
Iberia: Post-Francoist Peninsular Camp Leora Lev, Bridgewater
State College
Response to
Using Literary Texts in a History of Sexuality Jean
Dangler, Florida State University
Dissidences Josiah Blackmore,
University of Toronto
Hispanism, Queer
Theory, and Community Israel Burshatin, Haverford
Works Cited